Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Batey Relief Alliance

The Batey Relief Alliance

The Batey Relief Alliance (BRA) is a non-profit, non-political, humanitarian aid entity uniting grassroots groups, faith-based organizations, government agencies, and the international community in a strategic partnership to help create a safe, productive and self-sufficient environment, through health care, education and development programs, for children and their families severely affected by extreme poverty, disease, and hunger in the United States and the Caribbean.

Mission Fields: About Mission Fields

Mission Fields: About Mission Fields: "On the streets of Port au Prince, Haiti after the big quake.

I am passionate about my life and how I choose to live it. I believe..." Read more...

World Vision Calls on Congress to Protect Effective Humanitarian Assistance in Budget

World Vision Calls on Congress to Protect Effective Humanitarian Assistance in Budget

Disproportionately large cuts targeting America’s humanitarian assistance budget jeopardize the success of global development initiatives and undermine both U.S. global security and leadership.


Visa and Leading Humanitarian Aid Organizations Partner to Improve Speed and Efficiency of Relief Payments in Times of Disaster | Business Wire

Visa and Leading Humanitarian Aid Organizations Partner to Improve Speed and Efficiency of Relief Payments in Times of Disaster | Business Wire

In times of disaster, humanitarian organizations perform detailed needs assessments in order to inform disaster response and early recovery efforts. These assessments increasingly are including consideration of the capacity of local markets to meet the needs of people impacted by crisis. When local market conditions allow, more and more relief agencies are choosing to deliver money rather than physical goods to those affected, allowing people to buy what they need while at the same time supporting the local economy.

Read more....

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Near the town of Abeka, Ghana, West Africa.

  Near the town of Abeka, Ghana, West Africa in the Fall of 2005.
  This was the site of a small church, orphanage, school and clinic. The facilities were actually very nice compared to many of the surrounding buildings. 

  As with all of our clinic days, hundreds were waiting at the gates every morning. Some were there long before dawn awaiting our arrival.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Village of Dwenase, West Africa

We had set up a small clinic for the village of Dwenase, where we treated several hundred people during our two day stay, before moving on to the next village.

The welcome precession with Dwenase Chief Na Na.

Real Man on a Mission

  Never expect praise for doing what you’re supposed to do (e.g., take care of your kids, change a dirty diaper if needed, clean up your own messes, gas the car, wash the car, work for a living). Real Men do these things and don’t complain, it’s part of the deal.

  I originally started this Blog after my trip to West Africa on a Medical Mission in 2005. It was a journey of self discovery for me. 

 I have since traveled to the impoverished island nation of Haiti on similar medical trips. I also went to Haiti after the devastating earthquake of 2010.

 This type of work has been rewarding to me personally on many levels. I intend on doing many more of these trips as the years pass on, and as long as I have the health to do so, as these are usually very physically demanding.