Accra, West Africa... September 2005.
Well, here we are arriving at the airport in Accra, Ghana, West Africa... tired after a long flight from Amsterdam. We were shuttled into the terminal by armed guards in the middle of the night, and stood in line for hours, but all went well and we were ready for a good nights rest.
One of the ministers that had joined us, had lost his luggage and would have to wait another day to get his bags.
Outside the terminal we were beseiged by many of the locals offering help with our bags... of course in the hopes of getting a tip from these 'rich Americans'.
I was struck in awe by the size of the crowd we encountered, literally thousands, but was soon made aware of the profound poverty that holds this region at bay.
We as Americans take so much for granted here in the states. These people were willing to load our gear, and even join us for weeks on end as helpers for just a few dollars. (I was to later find the same atmosphere on similar trips to Haiti.)
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